Believe it or not, the best and most effective cleaning solutions are not to be found on the shelves of supermarkets. They are simply hiding in your cupboards. I know we use baking soda when we, well… bake, but it has insanely good cleaning qualities. In addition, lemon juice, vinegar and salt are not only to be used for the salad. You know what I mean – they are great natural, green cleaners!
Clean With Baking Soda
Cleaners Albert Park suggest cleaning with baking soda for its many cleaning qualities and the benefits that it brings.
1. Cleaning soda, pardon, baking soda can be used to remove grease. Make a paste of water and baking soda and apply on the stain. Leave for a couple of hours, rub and wash. Voala! No stain!
2. Baking soda is perfect for the oven. For the same reason (that baking soda is good with grease stains), it is perfect for cleaning the oven, because it deals with grease build up and various other spills and stains. Simply repeat the mentioned above – make a paste of baking soda and water and then apply everywhere inside your oven. Leave it to stay for the night and you will be surprised of the results the next day.
3. You can use baking soda in the fridge to clean, but it has another application there too! You can put a small bowl full of baking soda inside your fridge – it will absorb the nasty odours and humidity, which will make your fridge fresh.
4. According to cleaners from Albert Park, you can use baking soda to clean your mattress and to remove the stains. In addition, it will kill off dust mites and will refresh the mattress.
So, hopefully you liked those tips, and will come back for more! Expect other cleaning agents hiding in your cupboard later!